C.I.T.E.S. certificates approval web app

The challenge

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change faced logistical difficulties with the internal approval processes for the C.I.T.E.S. certificates issuance. All the processes were manual and that caused delays and high error rates.

What we did

We collected the relevant processes and mapped them in a structure. We discussed with the managers and staff and with a few applicants. After all the processes have been established, we designed the logic and the architecture of a new, digital platform, and programmed the documentation upload and approval flows, all that in a friendly- designed user interface.

The results

The application is currently in use, with the authorities gaining more trust from the applicants, less errors are made, less delays happen and the overall image of the institution has improved with the switch from analogue to digital.


Web app development


Government of Romania, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change